Marc Perino

Dr. Dagtekin - plastic surgeon

Marc Perino
Dr. Dagtekin - plastic surgeon

Shoot with plastic surgeon Dr. Falk Z. Dagtekin

Commission Portrait photography for website and branding
Dr. Falk Z. Dagtekin, Bora Dagtekin
Mike Kraus
Retouching & Compositing Marc Perino
Production Soap Images
Hair & Makeup t.b.a.
Equipment  Nikon D850, Nikon Z7, Hensel
Talent Dr. Falk Z. Dagtekin & employees
Location Munich, Germany

In May 2020 we photographed plastic surgeon Dr. Falk Z. Dagtekin - the brother of Bora Dagtekin who is the director of Germany’s most successful movie comedies. We had photo shoots in Dr. Dagtekin’s doctor’s office and at his home in Munich. Additionally we photographed his employees in front of grey paper and made a composite of the staff as a group shot. This way it is very easy later on to exchange the persons in the image instead of taking a new group shot each time an employee leaves or a new one is hired.
